Webinar Blood Pressure Measurement (BPM, HDO) and Pulse Wave Analysis


Course language: German

From 10.05.2021 the recording will be available in our learning platform LMS-VAHL.

Location: Live: Zoom / Recording: LMS-VAHL

Prerequisites: Veterinarian / students of veterinary medicine / TFA / PT

Group discount (from 4 persons): 20%

The WHY! (Indications for blood pressure measurement, more than just eyes, heart and kidneys!) 45 min.
But how? (Handling the animals for a quick and meaningful measurement) 30 min.
10 min. break
Overview of the technique 10 min.
Let’s go! HDO – software and pulse wave measurement 20 min.
Get the whole picture! 80 min.
Interactive evaluation of pulse waves and interpretation of the results together with the blood pressure measurement and the clinical picture (also from your own patients (please send by email at least 2 weeks before the appointment: Beate.egner@vahl-academy.com incl. short preliminary report, clinical findings, etc.)
Any questions? 15 min.
Speaker: Dr. Beate Egner (CEO VAHL)

