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Introducing a groundbreaking reference in equine physical therapy, rehabilitation, and sports medicine!
With contributions from over 80 renowned experts, the book is a pinnacle of knowledge in the field. This comprehensive tome is authored by experienced veterinarians and physiotherapists who have contributed significantly to equine health and performance.
João Paulo Marques, the editing author, is not only one of the leading experts in the field. He has spent many years involved with high level sport including different roles in the FEI and at the Olympic Games.
This valuable resource contains also the work of prestigious university professors, representing academic expertise from around the world. It serves as a reference and is a recommended textbook for veterinary students and professionals specializing in physical therapy, rehabilitation, and sports medicine.
Endorsed by numerous universities worldwide, this book resource offers unparalleled insights into equine health and performance. It features an interactive approach to learning, guiding readers through concise texts, essential facts, and scientific highlights. Illustrated with over 1000 images and supplemented by tutorial videos, it provides a dynamic and engaging educational experience to transform the knowledge of worldwide experts into a valuable and comprehensive format.
Whether you are a seasoned veterinarian, vet nurse, or other veterinary professional, a human physical therapist interested in equine rehabilitation, or even a trainer looking to prevent injuries, this book is an indispensable resource. From the athletic horse to the leisure companion, every equine health and performance aspect is covered comprehensively.
Reading and studying from this book promises not just education, but also an immersive journey into the world of equine physical therapy, rehabilitation, and sports medicine.
Take advantage of this essential addition to your professional library!
Dr. Beate Egner
Wir freuen uns, Dr. João Paulo Marques, den geschätzten Herausgeber des bahnbrechenden neuen Fachbuchs „Essential Facts of Equine Physical Therapy, Rehabilitation, and Sport Medicine“ sowie ein angesehenes Mitglied unserer CERP-Fakultät, zu seiner Ernennung zum Teamleiter der Physiotherapeuten für Pferde bei den Olympischen und Paralympischen Spielen 2024 zu beglückwünschen.
Physikalische Medizin, Rehabilitation und Sportmedizin für Tiere
Kontinuierliche berufliche Fort- und Weiterbildung (CPD) ist für Ihre berufliche Entwicklung unabhängig von Ihrem derzeitigen Wissensstand von zentraler Bedeutung. Unsere Fort- und Weiterbildungen erweitern Ihre Kompetenzen, setzen neue Schwerpunkte und halten Sie auf dem sich schnell entwickelnden Gebiet der Physiotherapie, Rehabilitation und Sportmedizin bei Tieren auf dem neuesten Stand.
Die Investition in veterinärmedizinische Fort- und Weiterbildung ist eine wertvolle und langfristig gewinnbringende Entscheidung. Bedenken Sie die Vorteile für Ihr ganzes Team, denn erweiterte Fertigkeiten und Kompetenzen tragen zu höherer Effizienz, besseren Behandlungsergebnissen und damit einer positiven wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung bei.